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Chat Commands & Hotkeys

Here you'll learn the chat commands and in-game hotkeys you need to communicate with your fellow players.


Tab Toggle attack/peace mode.
Home Safe Mode toggle. When you are in safe mode you cannot attack/harm friendly creatures or players.
End Repeat last entered chat message.
Insert Drink a big red potion (if available) / drink small red potion (heal).
Delete Drink a big blue potion (if available) / drink small blue potion (mana).
PgUp Use special ability. Certain items give you special abilities, hit PgUp to use them. If someone knows such items - please tell me.
PrintScrn Save a screenshot to Helbreath folder, HelShotXX.bmp
F1 Open Help screen.
CTRL-F2 Assign quickslot. Equip a weapon or cast a spell, when you press CTRL-F2 you set F2 to do your latest action.
CTRL-F3 Assign quickslot. Equip a weapon or cast a spell, when you press CTRL-F3 you set F3 to do your latest action.
F2 Execute quickslot action.
F3 Execute quickslot action.
F4 Cast last casted spell.
F5 Show character stats.
F6 Open inventory.
F7 Open spell screen.
F8 Open skill screen.
F9 Show chat history.
F11 Toggle transparent dialog windows.
F12 Show system options menu.
ALT+MOUSE Special attack. Once your weapon skill is at 100% you can use special attacks for that weapon.
CTRL+MOUSE Forced attack.
CTRL+T Set whisper mode with the player under your mouse cursor.
CTRL+S Sound on / off
CTRL+M Open minmap if available
CTRL+D Cycle detail levels
CTRL+1, CTRL+2 etc Magic circles page shortcuts

Chat commands

! Global chat.
~ Ally chat.
@ Guild chat.
$ Party chat.
/to PlayerName Sets the whispering mode to PlayerName.
/tooff PlayerName
Ignores a player chat.
/checkrep Shows your reputation.
/rep+ PlayerName Give a player a positive reputation point.
/rep- PlayerName Give a player a negative reputation point.
/tgt PlayerName Your Summons chase a character.
/hold Holds your Summons.
/free Free your Summons.
/who Shows amount of people currently online.
/ban PlayerName Ban a player from guild.